So you wanna make more sales from your social media content...

(Because what's the point in using social media otherwise right?)

The trouble is, everything has changed...

Just when you've got your head around the concept of creating your social media content in written form (and usually long form) plus an image, short-form video content enters the building like an absolute boss and it's now being prioritized everywhere.

TikTok - Instagram Reels - YouTube Shorts - Pinterest Ideas Pins - Even Facebook has jumped onto the bandwagon meaning you can not avoid this change any longer, it's time to update your content strategy.

The problem is of course, this update is proving harder than you thought, and let me tell you why.

What you are demanding from your creative brain is two things:

1 - Your creative content style must change - This change requires you to go from creating written/image based content over to video content.

2 - You have a shorter time to deliver your messages - You've now got to master delivering those big juicy pieces of content in a 15sec video OR LESS!!!

And it feels like a complete head f*ck doesn't it? If one change wasn't enough, you have 2 big changes to get your head around if you want to continue to grow your business online.

I know you feel like you've tried it all, you've done all the damn things, followed trends, and used audio sounds you don't actually connect with because you thought it would push your content out but you're still coming up with nothing.

πŸ‘‰ No leads

πŸ‘‰ No engagement

πŸ‘‰ Not even some random Indian dude in your DMs offering you his hand in marriage FFS

And you've told yourself more than once that you are SHIT AT THIS and just want to throw in the towel.

But what if I told you, you CAN do this AND it's not that hard once you know how. In fact, you might even enjoy yourself...

Look, I know you're here because my content has brought you here and you want the same skills for your business.

I also know that if someone said my name to you, you'll automatically think one of the following:

😘She teaches me social media stuff

😘She's funny

😘She's zero BS and says it how it is!

Now what if I told you that the reason you thought one of those is because I designed it that way AND I can teach you how to create the same affect on your audience...

Creating Confident Content Prerecord Training

Creating Confident Contents job in a nutshell is to help you create social media content that converts on any platform.

And what I mean by that is, it is going to be content that:

  • Creates engagement
  • Builds social growth
  • Generates leads and sales

How does it do that, lemme show ya...

Foundations - Creating Confident Content will help you build solid foundations for your business so that you always know:

  • Why you need to create content so that you can prioritize the right activities for your business.
  • What kind of content you need to create so that your audience knows who you are, who you serve, and what problem you solve.
  • And help you to avoid either not knowing what kind of content to create leaving you to procrastinate or creating content that's confusing to your audience.

Consistency - Creating Confident Content will be you become more consistent with your content by:

  • Supporting you in creating the right kind of content so that your audience, when asked can tell someone else exactly what it is that you offer.
  • Giving you inspiration to create better content so that you aren't exhausting yourself of ideas or new things to come up with
  • Giving you accountability with a group of other people who are walking the same path as you, at the exact same time so that you stay focused and feel supported

Smarter Not Harder - Creating Confident Content helps you work smarter not harder by:

  • Providing you with simple systems that work so that you have a set structure to help you identify why wins occur so you can replicate them
  • Providing you with repurpose engines so that you can maximize your contents potential for increased visibility
  • Providing you with templates and tutorials so that getting stuck with tech is never a problem again

You wanna jump on in, I like you're style....SMASH THIS BUTTON

Creating Confident Content has the pretty special ability to free you from your own internal BS around content creation. I believe content creation should be fun and easy while converting into those all important leads and sales.

It is made up of various layers that you dive into methodically so that you can build your knowledge in the right way and the first of those layers is Building Your Foundations...

Building Your Foundations - is going to get you to look at and determine all the essential ingredients you will need to make an effective content strategy as follow:

Targeting Your Talent - In this tutorial you will identify your preferred method of communication.

Whether you're a video, written or image based creator, once you've identified your preferred method you can then begin content creation from a place that feels easy to you.

Marketing Pillars - Your marketing pillars are the talking points that reflect your business identity.

In this tutorial you will discover how to identify your core marketing pillars (business, personal, promo and wild card) so that your content and branding business message becomes defined and unshakable placing you as the go to expert within your niche.

Macro to Mirco - This tutorial will help you diversify your content ideas.

You will discover how to take your big content topics (your macro talk points) and break them down into smaller bite size pieces (micro talk points).

This strategy will show you how to break down your ideas to create more content that's perfectly on brand but doesn't exhaust you or your audience. This is the piece of the puzzle that shows you how to never run out of content ideas or feel like you are repeating yourself over and over again.

Marketing Sandwich - In this tutorial you will find the strategy you need to maximize your content's visibility and engagement.

This is an essential piece of your content plan that shows you how to effectively use your marketing pillars to their fullest give your content increased quality engagement that generates ROI every time.

The Content Copy Masterclass

Inside you will find:

  • A video masterclass on how to write effective and powerful copy that connects you to your audience. Written posts although not favoured currently on social media platforms still have a place in your content strategy and this masterclass will help you make the most of those written content opportunities.
  • This will allow you to have the confidence to create copy and video script more freely without feeling the overwhelming feeling that you're coming across as "a salesman".

Repurpose Road Maps

Inside you will find:

There are 7 Repurpose Road Maps which include, Podcasting, Blog, Live Stream, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube. Inside each engine you will discover:

  • How to maximize your preferred method of communication
  • How to take your one piece of content and turn it into at least 10 more pieces
  • How to repurpose your content on to other platforms
  • How to repurpose your content into a different format

The Sales Suite - Inside the Sales Suite I'm going to walk you through:

Get More Sales - This video is where I share the answers to those FAQs I get around why sales aren't happening, so that you avoid making these common mistakes and stop leaving money on the table.

Selling Everyday is Essential - This video tutorial will show you the strategy that allows you to sell everyday without exhausting your audience so that you can create consistent traffic and leads in your business.

60 CTAs for Social Media - This downloadable document gives you 60 CTAs for you to use on your social media so that you show up confidently on your social media without using the same CTA over and over again!

Content Schedule - This downloadable document gives you an example of an effective content plan. The plan show you how to use your marketing pillars in combination with CTA posts for effective social media content that generates engagement, leads, sales and social growth.

You Heard Enough Already? Let's Do This...

Creating Confident Content investment starts from Β£129pm with the 6 months payment plan with lifetime access to the course!

Door close to Creating Confident Content Sunday 9th October...

Ready to get CRAZY confident with your content?! Let's go...

Here are some of my previous clients

"During a single one-to-one session, Sam called out my internal bullshit and encouraged me to freakin' OWN my #ambitiousAF ways. Getting that kind of rocket up the bum via The Content Engine was a no-brainer. Before working with Sam, I was keeping my guard up on social media. I wasn't being the truest (and imperfect) version of myself. And, worst of all, I was filtering my content - from the beautiful stock images I was putting out, the perfectly curated chequerboard feed. I realised that I couldn't encourage my trainees to take imperfect action when I wasn't embracing this myself. I needed to inject more personality into my content, and I knew I needed some help. Joining The Content Engine was a complete no-brainer. I knew I would benefit from Sam's clever brain on all things marketing and socials, but I also desperately wanted to find a community, a safe space, where I could share ideas, ask for support, and learn from other like-minded business owners. OMMAGOSH, The Content Engine has all of that and more. I've been so fucking impressed by both the content, the training and the friendships I've gone on to make. Since signing up, I've started using Sam's content formula and even though I'm actually posting MORE content, I feel calmer, more in control and not at all overwhelmed or under pressure. This is a far cry from how much self-imposed pressure there was when I was maintaining the perfect grid! My followers (and email subscribers) are creeping up, and I know that my content marketing strategy is complementing my wider marketing strategy. In the last 30 days alone, my Instagram stats are: Impressions - up 43.3% Accounts reached - up 36.6% Content interactions - up 33.7% Followers - up 14% Website taps - up 33.8% And I am damn sure it's because I'm being more authentic, less salesy, less filtered, and more ME!"

Victoria Tretis,  OBM Coach, Mentoring for Ambitious VAs

"Sam Bearfoot and The Content Engine Testimonial As someone who was new to content creation- I always had plenty of ideas, but no execution plan. I had crippling anxiety about any kind of video-type content where I would feature, and horrible self doubt about whether or not what I wanted to do with my content was even worth it. I worried whether what I had to say would even be worthwhile for people to hear and- I would ruminate and consistently self sabotage my business goals, which basically left me as a chronic sideline watcher- with zero participation. Since coming into the world and mind of the incredible, Sam Bearfoot- I’ve gone from a faceless meme poster, to someone with a content plan, ideas that flow and get out to the world, showing up on video with ease, and actually enjoying the process! I’ve discovered a level of confidence in myself and my message- which, to be honest, even surprised me. I have an understanding of the creation process, as Sam’s teaching style is one that encompasses every level of creator- from before the beginning (which is basically where I was)- to the advanced (who still see drastic improvements in their work, engagement, understanding and confidence!) Since being in The Content Engine with Sam-I have begun to show up in a way I’d only ever dreamed of- and all the while she is encouraging and inspiring me to keep reaching higher, as she continues to provide teachings and support that’s adaptable across the ever growing and changing platforms. Sam teaches you the absolute fundamentals of successful content, and is able to help extrapolate each person’s core business and self values. That way, the content produced by members here on out, hits the eyes and hearts of their intended audience, and also in an impactful manner. I’ve learned things I didn’t even know were pivotal parts of content creation, grown my following, made incredible connections with my audience- and within the group, made friendships that will for sure be long lasting. Sam curates and fosters a community there, of likeminded souls who also help teach, encourage and inspire you! That’s definitely an added bonus of this membership! I am planning on upgrading to the VIP membership next round because- if this is the level where the basic membership has got me- I know that more personalised tuition and support is going to be phenomenal. Plus there isn’t another Social Media Guru I would want learn from or to calibrate to in this manner. Sam is absolutely my β€˜soulmate mentor’ (for more than just content) and the further I go into starting my business, she is the main person I hope to have by my side. She is always two steps ahead of the pack, when it comes to successful and high performing content, that soars on multiple platforms. She teaches trending, plus, incredible evergreen strategies, and she really is a beautiful and brilliant mentor. If you’re stuck with content ideas, your current content feels lacklustre or just isn’t performing the way you desire, if you feel like you’re drowning in the ever growing online space... if you desire a bunch of like minded, motivated people- who are pretty much a personalised cheer squad (they also help pick you up if sh!t gets rough) and/or- if you are secretly dreaming of a miracle, in regards to someone to help you β€œsort it all out”- then ricochet you to your content goals- sign up to The Content Engine. It’ll change EVERYTHING!"

Liz Langford

**The Content Engine was rebranded as Creating Confident Content

Why should you listen to me? Lemme take a minute to introduce myself...

I'm Sam and I've been working in the online space for the last 15 years and what you need to know about me is that I have never played by the rules.

When everyone was going left, I didn't even go right, I just went straight up...

When "they" all said that Facebook was the place to be I was building an audience that grew to 600K on Instagram.

Back in 2020 "they" said that TikTok was just for kids yet there I was building my audience and upgrading my knowledge in what has become the leading content style you see today, short form video.

Now with over 100 million views across all platforms using short form video, I'm leading the way for my audience to do the same.

And when people ask me how I've done all this?

My answer is the same as it's always been, content creation is MY thing.

It's like it's coded into me, my magic is you like and I use it to help others find their content magic too.

3 final things you need to know about me...

1 - I'm the original rebel

2 - I'll drop an F-bomb from time to time..

3 - And I will always give it to you straight down the line, no BS required.

Much love


MMIF Sam Bearfoot

Can't wait and don't wanna scroll no more because you already know you are FULL Badass and want in on this thang...

Yeah, I like your style...smash this button

Here are some more previous clients

"Working with Sam 1:1 is lovely! It’s like having a Business Mom who has your back AND gives gentle nudges to get you flying out of the nest with your newly strengthened business strategy and visibility wings.

She’s an especially great match if you’re coming in with any kind of a corporate background because she has one, too - and has done the work to deprogram and transition successfully into the online business space. If you’re wanting to do the same, while benefitting from her lessons learned that she authentically and generously shares, then make the investment to work with Sam! #samfan"

Kristen Battistelli, Life/Mindset Coach and Founder of The Good Shit Society

"LITERALLY my automatic go to now when I need content creation on my socials. Needed ideas for an IG stories ad........ total mind blank for me, 1/2 hr brain storm on zoom with Sam = and I KNOW it’s spot on for my business and relatable to my audience! Thanks, Sam x"

Jo Leahy, Helping busy WOMEN lose food guilt & lbs

Always remember...

Nothing changes, if nothing changes...

This is one of the quotes has a whole lot of truth to it, if you don't take the leap and try something new, you'll very likely find a permanent home on the hamster wheel of same ol, same ol results.

Creating Confident Content & Short Form Video Success

  • Access to all the members area that contains the prerecorded and downloadable content so that you can set your foundations to create more engaging content that will generate those leads and sales.
  • Access to the Live round content via Zoom and private Facebook community for 8 weeks that gives you direct access to me where I will help you get complete clarity on every aspect of Creating Confident Content & Short Form Video Success
  • Lifetime access to Creating Confident Content & Short Form Video Success so that you can come back any time and repeat the process when things change in your business.

Join now for just Β£65pm for 12 months with the extended payment plan or Β£697 pay in full.

Here are some more previous clients

"Sam has an eye for the detail when it comes to marketing and all things online funnels and social media, whilst understanding the picture of what is needed. Traffic is key and sales are more important than vanity metrics to Sam. She is straight taking and loves helping people to get results."

Rebecca Robertson IFA   Wealth Creation Coach

"When I first approached Sam to help guide my new brand from concept to launch I had discussed my vision with 4 other marketing agencies. 2 seemed good and one wasn't clear but when I jumped on a one to one call with Sam it was instantly crystal how much she understood the mindset and mechanics of brand awareness and taking idea to reality. Within an hour we discussed everything I had concerns over and what I was lacking. Within the first week of launch my brand grew in thousands of new fans and valued customers which gave me so much confidence to grow and focus on creating sales and moving my launch into real growth. Not only is Sam a very intelligent marketer she is one badass business woman and anyone who works with this fantastic individual will be in very safe and reliable hands."

Steve Beedie   Unspoken Wounds

"I was so busy keeping up to date with production that my social media fell by the wayside, randomly I would jump in with no real focus or mission in some vein bid to be seen. Sam made me realise that without a presence on social media I would continue serving the same group of Clients, that I needed to spread my wings and let the world know I was here. Sam’s approach to to business is very hands on and practical making it very easy to sea the way forward that gets so easily lost in the day to day needs of getting the Clients work done. How did I never think β€œI am making this for a Client, why don’t I record it?” have a batch of videos on file for blogging – Sam did and now I do!"

Claire Hulott   Chulo Naturals

It's RECAP Time!

Here's everything you are getting in Creating Confident Content.


Access to Building Your Foundations

This layer is going to get you to look at and determine all the essential ingredients you will need that make an effective content strategy as follow:

Choosing Your Fuel - This area is help you to identify your preferred method of content creation so that you are always creating from a place that feels easy to you.

Marketing Pillars - Your marketing pillars are the topics that create your business identity. Without them, your content will become sketchy and confusing. This training will help you define your marketing pillars so that you have an unshakable brand message that will help you stand out as the expert.

Macro to Micro - This tutorial will help you diversify your content ideas. I'm going to show you a strategy I use that will take your big content topics and break them down into smaller bite size pieces. This strategy is how you never run out of content ideas or feel like you are repeating yourself over and over again.

Marketing Sandwich - In this tutorial you will find the strategy you need to maximize your content's visibility and engagement. This is an essential piece of your content plan to ensure that no matter what kind of content you post, it creates quality engagement that generates ROI every time.


Access to The Copy Masterclass

A video masterclass on how to write effective yet simple copy for your social media posts. This will allow you to have the confidence to create more freely without feeling overwhelmed that you aren't "a salesman"


Access to Repurpose Road Maps

There are 7 Repurpose Engines which include, Podcasting, Blog, Live Stream, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube.

Inside each engine you will discover:

  • How to take your one piece of content and turn it into at least 10 more pieces
  • How to repurpose your content on to other platforms
  • How to repurpose your content into a different format


Access to The Sales Suite

Get More Sales - This video is where I share the answers to those FAQs I get around why sales aren't happening, so that you avoid making these common mistakes and stop leaving money on the table.

Selling Everyday is Essential - This video tutorial will show you the strategy that allows you to sell everyday without exhausting your audience so that you can create consistent traffic and leads in your business.

60 CTAs for Social Media - This downloadable document gives you 60 CTAs for you to use on your social media so that you show up confidently on your social media without using the same CTA over and over again!

Content Schedule - This downloadable document gives you an example of an effective content plan. The plan show you how to use your marketing pillars in combination with CTA posts for effective social media content that generates engagement, leads, sales and social growth.


Lifetime Access

Lifetime access to Creating Confident Content & Short Form Video Success so that you can come back any time and repeat the process when things change in your business.

You Ready To Become A Content Ninja....