If you’re reading this, you are one of two types of online course creator.

1. You're a course creation newbie; you've got BIG ideas and want to create a course that gets your clients big results (and gets YOU paid) but you don't know how to create a course, let alone start selling it.

Or 2. You've created your course and went ALL IN on your launch; heart and soul style... but it flopped... or didn't perform the way you wanted. Now, your confidence for selling your course is low... and you're not sure what really went wrong.

I get it, you see the Internet Illuminati (as I like to call them) make course creation look and sound dead easy when it’s not. It feels like everyone around you is either in “launch mode” or barking on about how they just made 10 million dollars from their launch, so why is it proving so damn hard for you to even make a single sale?

Enter the mind monkey whispers:

  • I want to create a course in my business, but I have no clue what to create a course about…
  • What if I spend loads of time creating a course and no one buys it? That’s going to be embarrassing.
  • Creativity isn’t my strong point, so all the digital creation feels overwhelming and will end up looking rubbish compared to everyone else’s.
  • I hate marketing and spending all my time on social media. So even if I create a course, I'm scared that I'll have to market it in a sleazy way and don't want to do that.

Hi, I’m Sam Bearfoot, your friendly online Business Creativity Mentor to Course Creators and I am the proud owner of eleven failure badges (back-to-back failures I might add) when trying to launch a course at the very beginning of my journey. Five years down the line and I have created and successfully launched to over five thousand customers with online courses and products, that have generated enough cash for me and my family to live life on our terms worry free.

I believe that there is a course within all of us but that most people have no idea how to get that money making idea out of their brain and into the physical which is why I’ve created Creating Courses That Sell and Launch Mode On.

So Why Two Courses?

Let me explain this one. Having a successful course isn’t about one singular thing, you gotta think of it as a big onion. You start by cutting that onion in half creating two pieces, those two pieces become your creation piece and the launch piece. As with any onion each piece will be made up of layers and it’s these layers that so many people don’t deliver on that gets them in a pickle (pardon the pun) when creating a course.

Great courses solve a problem while creating a transformation, not so great courses offer a couple of pointers in the right direction at best with little or no transformation at all. You absolutely don’t want to be the latter of those two.

Creating Courses That Sell walks you through each layer of your onion to ensure that your course is the one that creates raving fans because you solved a problem for them in its entirety. They become fully transformed, and you become the go-to person that helped them achieve that.

There are 4 modules inside Creating Courses That Sell to help you create those transformational layers that will have course waiting list on fire!

I Already Know I'm In - Let Me At The Goods Sam...

Module 1 – Create from Facts

  • How to do Effective Market Research – I’ll be showing you how to do effective market research doesn’t have to take forever but gives you effective feedback that will help you create your idea for a course that sells!
  • Knowing Who to Approach - This checklist will show you exactly who the best people are to approach to get the feedback you are looking for.
  • Knowing How to Approach - Examples and templates on how to approach your audience so that you know exactly what it is you are asking and feel confident in doing so.

Module 2 – Solid Foundations

  • How to Deliver Your Course - In this video tutorial we are looking at things how to bring your course to life so that your customers get exactly what they need to achieve great results
  • Your Course Make Up - This course creation checklist will ensure that you create not only from your preferred creative tools but also making sure you are giving your customers everything they need and more to ensure they get that full transformation experience.
  • Course Transformations - Know what exactly it is you want your course to achieve will help your customers get results but puts you in that expert status that will have fans raving about you!

Module 3 – Sell It Before You Build It

  • Why Preselling is Important – We will be exploring why preselling is an essential piece of your launch puzzle when it comes to warming up your audience and getting that cash flow coming in.
  • Preselling Strategies - Inside this module I will be sharing some of my tried and tested preselling strategies, so that you know exactly who to approach in your warm audience to get those quick conversions.

Module 4 – Build it

This module is made up of a few submodules to ensure you complete the creation of your course

1.      Creating Your Framework – Having your own framework to build from helps you keep your lessons structured but allows your customer to consume content more easily and effectively.

2.      Macro to Micro Builder – How to take your one big idea and break it down into smaller pieces so that your customers can easily consume it

3.      Template Hub – Create your downloads with ease as you’ll find a collection of Canva templates to use as you wish. These include tutorial/masterclass slides, YouTube & Facebook covers, Recipe cards, Ebooks, Checklists and more so that getting stuck with digital creation is a thing of the past

4.      Product Delivery Set Up – The technical set up phase will be a breeze once you’ve been through this section as I’ll be showing you how to set up your delivery process with walk through tutorials to ensure you do not get stuck during this process every again

Here are some of my previous course members success stories...

This Is What I Need Sign Me Up!

So - now you've created your awesome course - now what?!

Enter: Launch Mode On. The only course you'll need to successfully sell your first (and every!) course!

Long gone are the days of whipping up a course and it selling like hot cakes with little or no effort. It’s 2021 and your audience will expect greater results from the things that they purchase which has made selling a must have skill that course creators need to master. Try to remember that the best launch strategy in the world won’t sell a course that no one wants and an awesome course that gets your customers great results won’t sell if your launch plan is flawed.

Launch Mode On has been created to help you create a launch plan that’s both effective and feel easy. Every segment of launch is included inside to help you plan, create key launch strategies, and get to full scope on how to have an amazing launch.

So, if you’ve been wondering why your PayPal hasn't gone a bit mental when you opened your course doors even though your course is ticking all the boxes, it’s likely your launch plan that needs a rethink and Launch Mode On is going to help you do just that.

What's Inside Launch Mode On!

Module 1 – The Launch Plan

  • Plan for Success Template - You will receive my launch plan template which is broken down into the individual launch section for you to complete. This will allow you to create a launch plan timeline so that you can prepare in advance and know exactly what you need to have in place for a smooth launch.
  • Example Launch Plan - A complete launch plan example (of mine) to give you something to work towards. This will help you create launch ideas while mastering the art of repeating yourself without repeating yourself...

Module 2 – Promote That Shhhh

Course & Marketing Material Templates & Schedules – Don’t know how to market your course? I’m giving you some templates for that.

1.       Seeding/Warm Up Schedule – This schedule will help you warm up you audience effectively prior to your actual launch phase. You will know what kind of content you should be creating that will build intrigue and FOMO before your launch schedule comes into effect.

2.       Launch Promo Schedule – This schedule will give you prompts and ideas on what content you need to create to get people into your course. You will have a blank template to use along with a completed one as an example for you to follow.

3.       Customizable Course Templates in Canva - think ebooks, downloads, tutorial slides, Facebook & YouTube covers etc. You’ll have all the digital download templates you’ll ever need to create all your course content with ease.

Module 3 – Masterclass Mastery

  • Master Your Masterclass – Inside you’ll find a step-by-step video guide on how to create a masterclass that converts. Having a successful masterclass is a great launch pad to having a course that sells so you need to make sure you get this piece right.
  • Masterclass Slide Templates - These are fully editable Canva slides for you to use to create your Masterclass (and more) so that you don’t get stuck in the Canva rabbit hole and roadblock in your progress!
  • Example Masterclass - I'm providing you a replay of one of my Masterclasses that generated me over 5 figures in course sales so that you can see it's not as tricky as you might think!

Module 4 – Launch Nitty Gritty

1.       Open/Close Cart – Inside you’ll find a list of options on how you can make the most out of your open/close cart days. Most of your course sales are likely to come from this part of your launch, so getting it right is crucial. Knowing how to utilize these sections of your launch plan correctly will have a direct result on your course sales.

2.       Fire Fighting FAQs - As much as you can plan you launch to perfection; no launch is without questions coming in from your audience that you need to address. Inside these FAQs I’ll answer some of the usual suspects giving you the confidence to effectively answer your audience and then convert them into customers

3.       Sales Page Top 10 Tips – Sales pages are the persuasion part of your launch, that is their ultimate job. Inside these 10 tips I’ll show you how to make the most of your sales page, what to include and how to lay things out (and more) so that your sales page converts in the best way possible…. into sales!

4.       Automation Flow Chart – Ahh the tech! This visual workflow that will show you how to effectively connect all the pieces of your software so that you don’t get confused by all the moving parts and your customers get a nice clear process once they have paid.

5.       The Bottle Neck – Because once you’re launch is done, you’re going to want to make it better next time! In this tutorial I will show you how to spot where in your process needs a little work. Knowing where you’re bottle neck is will help you to know which area to look at for improvements ready for your next launch.

6.       The Downsell – Did you know that creating a downsell could increase your revenue by a staggering amount? I’m going to walk you through one of my case studies using a downsell and what that did for my turnover so that you can include a downsell in your launch to boost your own bottom line!

I'm Ready For Course Launch Success!

Here are some more of my previous course member success stories...

"Hey, I’m Ronja Sakata (met the best Japanese guy 20years ago) and my friends call me Queen of Joy. My business was a big mess, before I met Sam. So many topics in my Joy Academy, two languages and my podcast… I mainly didn’t post besides personal stuff, because I was simply overwhelmed. So Sam Bearfoot, I call her «sensei» which means master, teacher and mentor in Japanese stepped in. (I mean in The Content Engine there is the Dojo, where we practice the material art of social mediaaa : ))

First step: Separate these Swiss German and English, so you can focus on one on each profile. Boom. How did it never occur to me, that the mix is so confusing! Next: Content clarity. You need to choose three pillars. WHAT? Only three?? Now I FINALLY nailed it.

Everything is possible for sure with Sam-sensei as my 1:1 VIP-Coach… I did the self study TCE first, but as my executive strengths are like ZERO I decided that I need extra kicks in my ass, so I upgraded my plan. If you are not booking 1:1 coaching, you can enjoy Sam’s wisdom and laser focus superspeed analytical mind in the Content Clinic Calls, soooo you are in the best hands either way. Can you tell? I love my sensei. I love in your face direct feedback and no fuss. But Sam is also very kind and uplifting, encouraging… because I need that too… : ). Well, why wait. Join our wonderful squad and bring your social media to another level. I’m all in with you in the game! I want GROWTH and SALES :) and now I know how I can persuade and influence my followers with a clear message. Wohooooo!!"

Ronja Sakata, Queen of Joy & Owner of the Joy Accademy

Most courses about creating courses say that you can just 'build it and they'll come'. But it's 2021 and we ALL know that doesn't work anymore. In fact, the MOST important thing you need to understand about creating and launching a course right now is...

1. Course creation is never just about what you want to create in the first instance and always about what your customers NEED! Your people want answers and solutions to their problems so if you aren’t creating that solution-based product for them, your sales will suffer.

2. The process of launching your course is something that most people severely underestimate which is why so many fail. If you’re looking to bring in those big numbers, then organization with defined intentions is the key you’ve likely been missing.

So, let’s look at the most common reasons that 'just launching' a course often goes wrong.

  • You’re trying to sell something that doesn’t offer a direct solution to their problems! Inside Creating Courses That Sell the very first thing you will dive into is making sure your audience want the thing you want to create. Or if you don't know what course you want to create right now? Don't worry! That's exactly what module one of Creating Courses That Sell will help you with - so that you focus on creating a course that is useful AND profitable.
  • You create BEFORE you sell! Now this one might sound a bit odd but selling your course before you create it IS A THING!! Inside CREATING COURSES THAT SELL I’m giving you my tried and tested presales activities that will put money in the bank while you build.
  • Allowing perfection to affect your progress (and your bank balance)! Being a tech or design wizard wasn’t in the list of things you thought you’d need to be when you opened your business was it? In the last module inside CREATING COURSES THAT SELL I’m supplying you all my course content templates and set by step tutorials on how to create your course platform with ease!!! No wizardry required.
  • You “soft launch” as a cover up for “I don’t actually know what I’m doing?” LAUNCH MODE ON’s job is the make sure you have an easy-to-follow executable plan so that you KNOW what you are doing. From planning right through to automation set up and not forgetting promo materials. You WILL know how to launch that beautiful course with confidence #nosoftlaunchneeded
  • You don’t drive enough traffic. Inside LAUNCH MODE ON I’m going to walk you through how to drive maximum traffic to your launch using a Masterclass. It’s a simple yet strategic tool that puts you and your expertise front and center stage.

So, why invest in this course?

Well for one, I use this exact strategy every single time I create something new in my business (I literally did it for this course!) and so do my clients which means you are genuinely investing into the method of success that I use and not one I teach but don't use like so many others you might have seen.

This is Joanne, it was her very first online launch and we aimed for 10 people in her course, but she smashed it with 13 which generated her multi 4 figures as a first launch.

Which, for the record, is INCREDIBLE for someone who'd never launched a course before - and funded her next launch!

Here are some of my previous clients

"During a single one-to-one session, Sam called out my internal bullshit and encouraged me to freakin' OWN my #ambitiousAF ways. Getting that kind of rocket up the bum via The Content Engine was a no-brainer. Before working with Sam, I was keeping my guard up on social media. I wasn't being the truest (and imperfect) version of myself. And, worst of all, I was filtering my content - from the beautiful stock images I was putting out, the perfectly curated chequerboard feed. I realised that I couldn't encourage my trainees to take imperfect action when I wasn't embracing this myself. I needed to inject more personality into my content, and I knew I needed some help. Joining The Content Engine was a complete no-brainer. I knew I would benefit from Sam's clever brain on all things marketing and socials, but I also desperately wanted to find a community, a safe space, where I could share ideas, ask for support, and learn from other like-minded business owners. OMMAGOSH, The Content Engine has all of that and more. I've been so fucking impressed by both the content, the training and the friendships I've gone on to make. Since signing up, I've started using Sam's content formula and even though I'm actually posting MORE content, I feel calmer, more in control and not at all overwhelmed or under pressure. This is a far cry from how much self-imposed pressure there was when I was maintaining the perfect grid! My followers (and email subscribers) are creeping up, and I know that my content marketing strategy is complementing my wider marketing strategy. In the last 30 days alone, my Instagram stats are: Impressions - up 43.3% Accounts reached - up 36.6% Content interactions - up 33.7% Followers - up 14% Website taps - up 33.8% And I am damn sure it's because I'm being more authentic, less salesy, less filtered, and more ME!"

Victoria Tretis,  OBM Coach, Mentoring for Ambitious VAs

The two courses you'll get access to in this bundle are:

Creating Courses That Sell

This course will walk you through all the essentials you need to think about both before you even begin to create your course right through to the creation process itself and having a sellable course by the end of it.

Module 1 – Create from Facts

  • How to do Effective Market Research
  • Knowing Who to Approach
  • Knowing How to Approach

Module 2 – Solid Foundations

  • How to Deliver Your Course
  • Your Course Make Up
  • Course Transformations

Module 3 – Sell It Before You Build It

  • Why Preselling is Important
  • Preselling Strategies

Module 4 – Build it

  • Creating Your Framework
  • Macro to Micro Builder
  •  Template Hub
  • Product Delivery Set Up

Launch Mode On

Once you have your course ready to go, the next phase is to launch it aka get it out there and sell the damn thing which takes planning, a LOT of prework and some strategic knowledge to make sure that your launch runs like a pro.

Module 1 – The Launch Plan

  • Plan for Success Template
  • Example Launch Plan

Module 2 – Promote That Shhhh

  • Seeding/Warm Up Schedule
  • Launch Promo Schedule
  • Customizable Course Templates in Canva

Module 3 – Masterclass Mastery

  • Master Your Masterclass
  • Masterclass Slide Templates
  • Example Masterclass

Module 4 – Launch Nitty Gritty

  • Open/Close Cart
  • Fire Fighting FAQs
  • Sales Page Top 10 Tips
  • Automation Flow Chart
  • The Bottle Neck
  • The Downsell

Self Study Offer!!

You can get both courses now saving you a total of £1197

Using the extended payment plan you can join now from £117pm for the next 12 months or £1197 if you wish to pay in full. 

Note these courses will NOT be available together after this launch, you will have to purchase them individually from 2023...

  Yes I'm In Like A Total Boss!!

Here are some more previous clients...

"Sam has an eye for the detail when it comes to marketing and all things online funnels and social media, whilst understanding the picture of what is needed. Traffic is key and sales are more important than vanity metrics to Sam. She is straight taking and loves helping people to get results."

Rebecca Robertson IFA   Wealth Creation Coach

"When I first approached Sam to help guide my new brand from concept to launch I had discussed my vision with 4 other marketing agencies. 2 seemed good and one wasn't clear but when I jumped on a one to one call with Sam it was instantly crystal how much she understood the mindset and mechanics of brand awareness and taking idea to reality. Within an hour we discussed everything I had concerns over and what I was lacking. Within the first week of launch my brand grew in thousands of new fans and valued customers which gave me so much confidence to grow and focus on creating sales and moving my launch into real growth. Not only is Sam a very intelligent marketer she is one badass business woman and anyone who works with this fantastic individual will be in very safe and reliable hands."

Steve Beedie   Unspoken Wounds

"I was so busy keeping up to date with production that my social media fell by the wayside, randomly I would jump in with no real focus or mission in some vein bid to be seen. Sam made me realise that without a presence on social media I would continue serving the same group of Clients, that I needed to spread my wings and let the world know I was here. Sam’s approach to to business is very hands on and practical making it very easy to sea the way forward that gets so easily lost in the day to day needs of getting the Clients work done. How did I never think “I am making this for a Client, why don’t I record it?” have a batch of videos on file for blogging – Sam did and now I do!"

Claire Hulott   Chulo Naturals

You Ready To Become A Course Ninja....

Hell Yeah I'm In!!