Are you often stumped with...

  • What content to create on TikTok that's authentic to you but the algorithm goes nuts for?
  • Why your efforts on TikTok efforts aren't growing your following?
  • Why your TikTok content isn't converting into traffic and sales?

Let me introduce you to the

The 10k Folower Challenge!

Over the last 28 days I've seen some SERIOUS growth on TikTok and what I need you to know about this is, it was INTENTIONAL!

I jumped to 20K on TikTok pretty quickly back in 2020 but then took a break only dipping my toe in every now and then to keep my account active.

At the end of summer, it was time for me to step back in and start growing my account again, and here are the results from that.

I recently stitched a post from someone who was stating they can grow to 10K followers in 2hrs or before Christmas and it got me thinking...

What if I helped you achieve just that?

Can you imagine going into 2023 with a brand new audience that is perfect for you and your business?

Enter the 10K Follower Challenge inside The House of Creation...

When you join 10k Follower Challenge you'll get:

  • A complete TikTok tech toolkit so that you have all the knowledge you need to use the platform like a total pro and with unlimited confidence.
  • You'll get DAILY (Mon-Fri) content suggestions/ideas/nudges and inspo so that you can create effective content that's quick to create and totally aligned to your account.

The 10K Challenge will run from 17th October till 24th December 2022 giving you a total of 69 days to absolutely smash your goals

Content Ideas are given in this format:

  • You are given your content topic
  • 2 variations on who to use it
  • Pro Tips that accompany it
  • And the links to the audio/sounds

The House Of Creation is a container, here's what you get as a guest inside:

The House of Creation in a nutshell is a monthly or annual subscription container.

There is no minimum term that you need to sign up for, all I ask is that you give me 14 days notice should you wish to leave.

1 - Your Private Facebook Community aka Sam's House

Time to get comfy because you've found your spot on the internet where your uniqueness will be encouraged, leaving you feeling empowered and safe to be whoever the F you want to be!

This will be your hub where you can network amongst likeminded business owners and creators, ask questions or get feedback on your content related ideas and queries. This place is a safe environment for you to grow, learn and feel supported (and support) on your creative journey with individuals who are there for the exact same reason. Questions placed here are for the community to offer feedback on. However I do check in twice a week (Mon - Fri) to make sure all questions have had a response.

2 - Weekly Tips, Tricks, Trends, and Tasks (in addition to your 10K challenge info)

Every week I will be sharing with you tips, tricks, or new trends for you to use when creating your own content. This content will be exclusive to you as a Guest in The House of Creation.

Examples of Tips, Tricks, Trends, and Tasks are but are not exclusive to:

Tips - ideas on what to post that week so that you have a constant flurry of ideas

Tricks - time-saving processes or content hacks so that you aren't spending your whole life on social media

Trends - sharing what's fresh and how to use it for your business/account so that you are staying ahead of the game and have the best opportunity to gain viral traction. These are delivered via a WhatsApp broadcast group

Tasks - When a focus challenge is on your tasks will follow that format but outside of challengers I'll be giving you content or engagement-related task so that you are constantly learning and expanding your knowledge

3 - Monthly Hot Seat Call via Zoom

When Do The Calls Take Place? Calls will always be on a Thursday and I shall rotate times between 9.30am GMT and 14.30pm GMT each month to allow as many as possible to join the call.

What Do You Have To Do? You just show up either with a question or to just listen and learn on the call where you will find me ready to help you stay focused for the week.

Is There A Time Limit? Every weekly hot seat is currently allocated a total of 90 mins per session. This allows each person to be allocated a 15 mins slot to ask me their question. This is to ensure that we work through each member as effectively as possible while giving you time to ask your question and get feedback.

What Can I Ask? - Questions around content, social media, traffic generation, lead generation are all welcome. Here are some of the usual suspects I get asked on Hot Seat calls:

  • I'm not getting sign ups to my challenge can you help me figure out why?
  • My Reels/TikTok views are really up and down, what am I doing wrong?
  • I don't know which social media platform is for me, how do I decide?
  • I want to start scheduling my content but don't know how?
  • I don't have a freebie yet but I want to create one, how do I know what to create?
  • I'm stuck on what kind of content to create?

Can I Ask More Than 1 Question? This all depends on how much time you have left in your slot and how many people are on the call. Sometimes it's possible yes and when it is not you have the Facebook community for any additional questions you may have.

What If You Don't Know What's Wrong, Can You Show Up For Troubleshooting? Absolutely you can! This is where my 16yrs + comes into it's own, I will see things you won't know to look for yet. That's the whole point of having an expert on hand right?

How Do I Know When My Slot Will Be? I work through those on the call in order of who joined first and you are under no obligation to stay on the call once you have your answers.

What Can't You Ask? You can't ask things around long term business strategy, the creation of new courses or business assets, setting up new business models or strategic planning as that most certainly takes a lot longer than 15 mins and would require more specific 1:1 work. The House of Creation is there to support you with your existing strategies that you wish to use but require accountability and support on how to implement those strategies.

Join The House of Creation Here

With that in mind wouldn't it be great if you could have access to:

👉🏻Expert Guidance - having access to someone who's been in the online space for 16yrs, has done a lot of the courses online, implemented them successfully creating a solid audience, a sales system that generates consistent sales and is genuinely experienced enough to give you effective advice.

👉🏻Practical Advise - so that the simplest, things don't stop you in your tracks. Things like why your Reels/TikToks aren't gaining traction or how to get started on a new social platform.

👉🏻Accountability - so that you GSD (get sh*t done) and actually progress with your business and stop procrastinating!

And more importantly without:

👉🏻Feeling Overwhelmed or Lonely - building a business can leave you feel all kinds of feels, but when you have and expert and a community there to support you, everything becomes a whole lot easier

👉🏻Commitment to a long term coaching package - because investing in hours and hours of someone's time isn't where you are at or what you actually need. Sometimes short, frequent Q&A hits the spot better (and saves on the ol bank balance to)

👉🏻Feeling embarrassed that your questions aren't valid or stupid - There is no such thing as a silly Q in my world, ALL Q's have purpose and could make night and day difference to your business hence why they are always welcomed inside The House of Creation.

I'm not walking, I'm RUNNING to this join button... 

Wanna hear from some previous clients & course members?

Who is the House of Creation for?

Having served thousands of clients over the years the common denominator amongst them all is that they are all online business owners but to help define who this really serves well, here is the type of business it would suit the most:

  • Online Business Coaches/Mentors
  • Virtual Assistants
  • Social Media Managers
  • Online Therapists
  • Health and Wellbeing Practitioners
  • Light Workers/Spiritual Gangsters
  • Content Creators/Influencers
  • Witches & Magic Makers
  • Neurodiversity is totally welcome as you are my tribe!

The House of Creation Monthly

This level offers all of the above:

  • Private Facebook Community
  • Trends Broadcast Group (WhatsApp Broadcast Only Group)
  • Monthly Zoom Calls
  • No Minimum Term Sign Up with just 14 days notice if you wish to leave


Sign Me Up Buttercup!

The House of Creation Annual

This level offers everything at the standard level plus:

  • Private Facebook Community
  • Trends Broadcast Group (WhatsApp Broadcast Only Group)
  • Monthly Zoom Calls
  • No Minimum Term Sign Up with just 14 days notice if you wish to leave

£540 £450 annually (Saving £90 on the monthly plan)

Sign Me Up Buttercup!

The House Of Creation Mission Statement

"I wanted to create a container where my fellow rebels, change makers, rule breakers and zero fucks squad can feel supported and at home.

There is a LOT of misleading, confining, and soul-restricting "guidance" out there that we just don't resonate with. This can make it hard for us to discover new things that will allow us to expand our creativity and grow whatever it is that we are focusing on.

I don't follow the rules, I never have which gives me the freedom to express myself and grow my business in any way that I choose and I have created The House of Creation so that you can feel supported enough to do exactly the same thing.

And although this is my business membership, those inside The House of Creation will be known as Guests and not members simply because this is my house and you my lovely will be my guest for as long as you wish to be"

And here are a few more...

So who am I?

Hi, I’m Sam Bearfoot, a Creativity Mentor to Digital Creators and I have created and successfully sold to more than six thousand customers online, which has generated enough cash for me and my family to live life on our terms worry-free.

I've been in the online space for over sixteen years, focusing heavily on social media for the last 6yrs all the while growing a global follower network of 600k and racking up millions of views!

So you see, social media content has been my thing for quite some time and I love showing you how to use it in your business too.

My audience will tell you, "she's as down to earth and straight talking as they come and she loves an F Bomb or 2" and they aren't wrong! 🧡

See you soon


I'm in Sam, Sign Me Up!

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